505 S 17th St, Wilmington, NC 28401
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Cargo District's: Premier Neighborhood Center for both Retail / Restaurant and Office. Preliminary building set on corner of S. 17th and Church Street to provide a community establishment for retail, office, and third floor residential lofts with roof top living.Second floor: traditional Class A or B office; other uses may include studio style space for yoga or maker's space. Well Being uses such as: laser hair removal and Spas are also compatible.First floor: Retail and Neighborhood Specialties; uses may include food, bottle shop, bakery, news stand, ice cream, cell phone provider, merchandise. Outdoor seating areas and on street pick up window are proposed. Building price details: $295,900.
- Exterior Features
Parking Type: Surface, Other - Contact info
John LarsenGulfstream Commercial Properties
- Note
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- Property Details
Building Name: Mid Town Swank Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Number of Stories: 3 Submarket: Day Care Facility, Mixed Use, Restaurant, Retail-Pad, Street Retail, Tavern/Bar/Nightclub, Other MSA: Wilmington Zoning: UMX Buildings: 1 Tenancy: Multiple Tenants Construction: Stresskin Terms: Cash to Seller, Purchase Money Mortgage Added: 05/21/2018