22349 Asheville Hwy, Landrum, SC 29356
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Whitney Commercial Real Estate: Well appointed 2 bedroom apartment with one bath at +/- 1,000 sf on second floor. This could be a primary residence for someone leasing or operating their own business on the main level. The main level at +/- 2271 sf can be divided into two spaces. Separate electrical meters and HVAC systems already exist. Nice high vaulted ceilings add plenty of volume to the space. Walk in cooler could accomodate a brewery or restaurant. Great condition and move in ready. Live/work investment-potential brewery or tap room-excellent well maintained side yard for entertainment-newly remodeled space with income potential-possible AIRBNB conversion-Next door to Farm House Equestrian Shop.Directions: Take I-26 East from Asheville for 48 miles. Take Exit US 74 to 108 to Tryon. 108 Turns into South Trade Street. Bldg on Right after crossing SC State Line. Building price details: $349,000.
- Contact info
Andrew RiddleWhitney Commercial
- Note
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- Property Details
Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Lot Size: 1.060 Acres Number of Stories: 2 MSA: Spartanburg Buildings: 1 Terms: Undisclosed Added: 06/25/2019