4033 Shawnee Trl, Forney, TX 75126
Realty in Saint Clair on 2706 Possum Hollow Rd facts
Property was listed For Sale on www.housesforsalelist.com in 07/09/2013.The home in the market can be considered as Residential property. This Unspecified realty on clearance was updated on the site on Jul 09/2013 00:59:33. The status of the listing is For Sale therefore any of the future customers can query on this estate. The worth of the house is $194000.00 as updated on our database. You are welcome to ask to more details below in order to achieve more details about the realty. Current realty includes 10 pics assigned to it and for additional pictures you can email or telephone listing agent.
House Geo Location
The realty location specifys are: 2706 Possum Hollow Rd, Saint Clair, MO 63077. More facts about Unspecified Geo Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The listing was built way back in 1972.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit comes with 3 bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The total square foot area of the realty is 2630.00000.
Contact information of realtor
You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by real estate agent and they will help you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this property, you can meet with Rhonda S Overberg by the following contact info: (314) 714-7000 BEST CHOICE REALTY LLC.
Home Geo Scene
The listing location details are: 900 Union Wine Rd, New Braunfels, TX 78130. Full information about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical particulars
The listing was built way back in 1987.
Quantity of rooms and Living area info
This realty unit gets with 5 bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the asset is 4241.00000.
Contact information of real estate agent
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor and they will assist you in reviewing the listing as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this family unit, you can get in touch with judy smith by the following contact info: (830) 625-8061 BHGRE BRADFIELD PROPERTIES.
House Geo Place
The house location specifys are: 16778 Fallen Timbers Dr, Conroe, TX 77385. Complete details about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical essentials
The house was built way back in 2005.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit includes with 3 bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The square foot living area of the home is 1800.00000.
Contact info of realtor
You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by broker plus they will assist you in inspecting the house as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can get in touch with marcia warner by the following contact info: (936) 525-9561 COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE PR.
House Geographic Scene
The estate location details are: 15437 Charlotte Ann Ln, Tyler, TX 75707. More details about Unspecified Geo Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical particulars
The house was built way back in 1982.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This property unit includes with 3 bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the property is 2458.00000.
Contact info of property agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by agent and they will help you in reviewing the realty as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this family unit, you can contact with lydia west by the following contact info: (903) 581-4614 C-21 ADVANTAGE.
Realty Geographic Scene
The house location specifys are: 1417 Serpentine Dr, Houston, TX 77029. More facts about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The asset was built way back in 1955.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This home unit gets with three bedrooms plus 1 toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 988.00000.
Contact information of agent
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor and they will collaborate you in inspecting the house as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this realty, you can meet with janet vittur by the following contact info: (713) 451-9191 TEXAS ALL AMERICAN REAL ESTATE.
Asset Geographic Position
The house address particulars are: 8810 Canvas Back, San Antonio, TX 78245. Full details about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The asset was built way back in 2005.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This home unit provides with 4 bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the realty is 2428.00000.
Contact details of realtor
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will help you in inspecting the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you know more on this family unit, you can contact with joe davalos by the following contact info: (210) 280-8840 CENTURY 21 DAVALOS.
House Geo Location
The listing placement specifys are: 1101 N High St, Longview, TX 75601. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical specifics
The asset was built way back in 1958.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This house unit provides with four bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the property is 1925.00000.
Contact info of real estate agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker and they will help you in inspecting the house as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this home, you can meet with sheila manning by the following contact info: (903) 297-3077 CENTURY 21-THE ELITE GROUP.
House Geo Location
The house location details are: 24706 Putnam Ct, Katy, TX 77494. More details about Unspecified Geographic Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical particulars
The listing was built way back in 1983.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This home unit gets with 4 bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 3571.00000.
Contact information of realtor
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by agent and they will collaborate you in inspecting the asset as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this realty, you can contact with ramell williams by the following contact info: (281) 220-2100 KELLER WILLIAMS PREMIER REALTY.
Realty Geo Place
The listing address details are: 1212 N Davis St, West, TX 76691. More details about Unspecified Geographic Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The listing was built way back in 1961.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This property unit gets with 3 bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The square foot living area of the realty is 1945.00000. The house gives Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact information of agent
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by real estate agent plus they will assist you in reviewing the listing as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this realty, you can meet with barbara rusling by the following contact info: (254) 399-7057 Coldwell Banker Jim Stewart, Realtors.
Realty Geographic Location
The home placement specifys are: 3525 Cisco Trl, Round Rock, TX 78665. Full details about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The listing was built way back in 2005.
Number of rooms and Living area information
This home unit comes with 4 bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 2264.00000. The realty includes Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact information of broker
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent plus they will help you in inspecting the listing as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you know more on this listing, you can communicate with pamela weathers by the following contact info: (512) 740-5999 SCG Properties, Inc..
Home Geographic Place
The realty address particulars are: 7101 Swinford, San Antonio, TX 78239. More details about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The house was built way back in 1975.
Number of rooms and Living area info
This home unit comes with 3 bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the asset is 1047.00000.
Contact info of realtor
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor plus they will help you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you know more on this family unit, you can get in touch with joan delouis by the following contact info: (210) 496-4949 BRADFIELD PROPERTIES.
Asset Geographic Location
The home placement details are: 3562 Honey Mdw, San Antonio, TX 78222. Complete facts about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical essentials
The listing was built way back in 2005.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This house unit provides with four bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the property is 3013.00000.
Contact details of realtor
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by broker and they will assist you in inspecting the house as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can get in touch with joan delouis by the following contact info: (210) 496-4949 BRADFIELD PROPERTIES.
Estate Geo Scene
The property placement details are: 3119 Atherton Canyon Ln, Houston, TX 77014. Full info about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical essentials
The property was built way back in 2006.
Quantity of rooms and Living area info
This house unit provides with 3 bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1620.00000.
Contact details of realtor
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will assist you in inspecting the property as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you know more on this property, you can communicate with linda taylor-flores by the following contact info: (281) 445-0104 TEXAS 5TH STAR REALTY.
Realty Geo Position
The home address details are: 5406 A B Farley Drive, Houston, TX 77032. Full details about Unspecified Geographic Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The property was built way back in 1983.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This home unit gets with 4 bedrooms and 2 toilets.
Contact details of property agent
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent and they will collaborate you in inspecting the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this home, you can get in touch with linda taylor-flores by the following contact info: (281) 445-0104 TEXAS 5TH STAR REALTY.
Property Geo Scene
The home placement details are: 1204 Guthrie St, San Angelo, TX 76901. Complete information about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The house was built way back in 2007.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This property unit includes with three bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the listing is 1110.00000.
Contact details of realtor
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by agent plus they will collaborate you in inspecting the asset as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this house, you can meet with jim hadley by the following contact info: (325) 947-1092 ADVANTAGE REALTY.
Estate Geographic Place
The house address specifys are: 140 142 Lindas Creek Ln, Weatherford, TX 76088. Complete facts about Unspecified Geographic Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The home was built way back in 2008.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This realty unit comes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Contact info of agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor and they will assist you in reviewing the realty as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this family unit, you can communicate with michael lee by the following contact info: (940) 325-9555 PREMIER PROPERTIES.
Property Geo Scene
The property placement details are: 24606 Corral Gables, San Antonio, TX 78261. More facts about Unspecified Geographic Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical particulars
The house was built way back in 2007.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit includes with 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the house is 2583.00000.
Contact information of realtor
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor plus they will help you in inspecting the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you know more on this home, you can meet with yolanda maria pearson by the following contact info: (210) 699-9545 ALAMO AREA REALTORS.
Realty Geographic Location
The home address particulars are: 4033 Shawnee Trl, Forney, TX 75126. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical specifics
The home was built way back in 2006.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This property unit provides with 2 bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1012.00000.
Contact information of broker
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by real estate agent plus they will assist you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can get in touch with shirley schaeffer by the following contact info: (972) 564-2316 REAL ESTATE MILLENNIUM GROUP, LLC.
Residential property for sale
- Interior Features
Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 - Contact info
shirley schaefferc21shirl@aol.com, (972) 564-2316REAL ESTATE MILLENNIUM GROUP, LLC101 EAST US HWY 80, Forney, TX 7512
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 4033 Shawnee Trl, Forney, TX 75126 was got from trusty sources, but HousesForSaleList.com can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Coming Soon Living Area: 1,012 SF Year Built: 2006 Buildings: 1 Added: 07/09/2013