17218 Ne 152nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA 98606

Real Estate in Los Angeles on 6511 Bonsallo Ave data
House was listed For Sale on www.housesforsalelist.com from 08/11/2013.The house in the market can be considered as Residential property. This Single Family home for sale was updated on the database on Aug 11/2013 21:55:58. The status of the listing is For Sale thus any of the prospective buyers can ask on this home. The cost of the estate is $184900.00 as updated on our database. You are welcome to request to additional information below in order to gain extra specifys about the realty. Current realty includes 10 images assigned to it and for other photos you can email or telephone listing agent.
Realty Geographic Position
The home placement specifys are: 6511 Bonsallo Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90044. Full information about Single Family Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical specifics
The estate was built way back in 1924.
Number of rooms and Living area info
This property unit includes with 4 bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The square foot living area of the estate is 1740.00000. The home includes Garage space: Unknown.
Contact details of realtor
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by broker plus they will assist you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this family unit, you can meet with Ronald Beatty by the following contact info: Secured Investments Realty Company.
Property Geo Location
The realty placement particulars are: 10417 131st St E, Puyallup, WA 98374. Full information about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Number of rooms and Living area info
This home unit comes with three bedrooms plus 2 toilets. The home includes Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact information of agent
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by real estate agent plus they will assist you in inspecting the listing as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you know more on this property, you can meet with pam vanderlinda by the following contact info: (253) 537-0274 PARKSIDE REALTY.
Asset Geographic Position
The house placement details are: 1428 Kirkland Ave Ne, Renton, WA 98056. More information about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The house was built way back in 1943.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This property unit comes with four bedrooms plus two toilets.
Contact info of broker
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent and they will assist you in inspecting the realty as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this house, you can get in touch with scott germino by the following contact info: (425) 577-6280 PILLAR NORTHWEST REAL ESTATE.
Realty Geo Point
The asset location details are: 13312 127th Pl Ne, Kirkland, WA 98034. More facts about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The property was built way back in 1977.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This realty unit gets with 4 bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the home is 1916.00000. The realty provides Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact information of broker
You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by agent and they will assist you in reviewing the house as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this home, you can communicate with margarita kouznetsova by the following contact info: (425) 954-4012 American Home and Investment Inc.
Estate Geo Position
The estate address particulars are: 5426 W Tapps Dr E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The asset was built way back in 1980.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This house unit provides with three bedrooms and 3 toilets. The square foot living area of the estate is 3067.00000.
Contact info of real estate agent
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by realtor and they will help you in inspecting the estate as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this realty, you can get in touch with david newberry by the following contact info: (253) 630-6100 NEWBERRY INVESTMENTS INC..
Property Geo Point
The asset placement details are: 200 Cedar Ln, Port Hadlock, WA 98339. Full information about Unspecified Geographic Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical specifics
The listing was built way back in 1970.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This property unit provides with two bedrooms plus one toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1336.00000.
Contact info of real estate agent
You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by real estate agent plus they will collaborate you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this family unit, you can get in touch with brian billones by the following contact info: (206) 707-9061 GPS REO, LLC.
Home Geo Point
The house location details are: 809 S 11th St, Sunnyside, WA 98944. Complete facts about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical essentials
The realty was built way back in 1946.
Quantity of rooms and Living area info
This realty unit gets with 4 bedrooms plus 1 toilets. The square foot living area of the property is 1184.00000. The house provides Garage space: 1 Car.
Contact information of realtor
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will help you in inspecting the property as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this property, you can contact with holly castle by the following contact info: (509) 882-2001 NORTHWEST WINE COUNTRY RE, INC..
Estate Geographic Scene
The asset location details are: 8833 9th Ave Sw, Seattle, WA 98106. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The house was built way back in 1920.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit provides with 4 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the realty is 1085.00000.
Contact info of realtor
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent plus they will assist you in inspecting the listing as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this house, you can contact with mark josipovich by the following contact info: (949) 470-9534 BLUEBOOK INTERNATIONAL INC..
House Geo Place
The asset address specifys are: 1134 Pennsylvania Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337. More information about Unspecified Geo Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The property was built way back in 1918.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This realty unit provides with 2 bedrooms plus one toilets. The square foot living area of the realty is 1230.00000.
Contact details of real estate agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will assist you in reviewing the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this family unit, you can get in touch with kendra todd by the following contact info: (206) 577-0028 KELLER WILLIAMS GREATER SEATTLE.
House Geographic Place
The home placement details are: 1875 W 75th Ln, Ferndale, WA 98248. More info about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Number of rooms and Living area info
This realty unit includes with three bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The listing gives Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact details of real estate agent
You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by broker plus they will collaborate you in reviewing the realty as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this home, you can contact with ben kinney by the following contact info: (360) 312-5889 REO Northwest - Keller William Western Realty.
Realty Geographic Point
The property address particulars are: 2913 Sw 337th St, Federal Way, WA 98023. Full details about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical particulars
The asset was built way back in 1978.
Number of rooms and Living area information
This realty unit comes with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the estate is 1414.00000.
Contact info of real estate agent
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will help you in inspecting the estate as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this realty, you can contact with geoff bell by the following contact info: (425) 282-5402 NEWBERRY REALTY RENTON.
Home Geo Position
The home address particulars are: 6511 130th Ln Sw, Olympia, WA 98512. More information about Unspecified Geo Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The listing was built way back in 1973.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This home unit comes with five bedrooms plus two toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1982.00000.
Contact details of property agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by agent and they will help you in inspecting the listing as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you know more on this family unit, you can contact with pam brechwald by the following contact info: (360) 480-8835 PARKSIDE AFFILIATES LLC.
Home Geographic Scene
The listing placement particulars are: 221 Sw 136th St, Seattle, WA 98166. More information about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical specifics
The house was built way back in 1943.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This house unit includes with 3 bedrooms plus 1 toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1057.00000. The house provides Garage space: 1 Car.
Contact details of agent
You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent plus they will collaborate you in reviewing the listing as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this home, you can meet with jonathan villalobos by the following contact info: (425) 453-7000 RE/MAX EASTSIDE BROKERS, INC..
Home Geographic Point
The asset placement details are: 156 S Emerson Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The property was built way back in 1909.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit gets with 7 bedrooms plus four toilets. The square foot living area of the realty is 3403.00000. The house includes Garage space: 1 Car.
Contact details of property agent
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by broker and they will assist you in inspecting the estate as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you know more on this house, you can contact with jamie wallace by the following contact info: (509) 662-7184 H & N Real Estate Connections LLC.
Realty Geo Place
The house placement specifys are: 20520 195th Avenue Ct E, Orting, WA 98360. More facts about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical facts
The house was built way back in 2004.
Amount of rooms and Living area info
This property unit provides with four bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the property is 2369.00000.
Contact info of broker
You will surely find the all your queries are answered by real estate agent plus they will assist you in inspecting the estate as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this home, you can meet with jonathan harper by the following contact info: (253) 651-7500 Keller Williams Realty.
Realty Geographic Position
The estate location particulars are: 3515 176th Ave E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391. More details about Unspecified Geo Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical details
The realty was built way back in 1981.
Amount of rooms and Living area information
This home unit includes with 2 bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the house is 1297.00000.
Contact info of real estate agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by broker plus they will collaborate you in inspecting the home as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this listing, you can get in touch with jonathan harper by the following contact info: (253) 651-7500 Keller Williams Realty.
Home Geographic Point
The realty placement specifys are: 17218 Ne 152nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA 98606. Full details about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.
Historical data
The home was built way back in 1987.
Quantity of rooms and Living area information
This property unit provides with 4 bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the home is 1966.00000. The realty gives Garage space: 2 Cars.
Contact info of property agent
You will surely find the all your questions are answered by real estate agent and they will help you in reviewing the house as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this listing, you can get in touch with shannon wheeler by the following contact info: (360) 574-4616 SUNDIN REALTY INC..
Residential property for sale
- Interior Features
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 - Exterior Features
Garage: 2 Cars Sewer: Public, Septic - Map Locations
- Contact info
shannon wheelerreosales@comcast.net, (360) 574-4616SUNDIN REALTY INC.2103 N. E. 129TH STREET, SUITE 201, Vancouver, WA 9868
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 17218 Ne 152nd Ave, Brush Prairie, WA 98606 was got from trusty sources, but HousesForSaleList.com can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Coming Soon Living Area: 1,966 SF Year Built: 1987 Buildings: 1 Utilities: Electric Added: 08/11/2013