5267 Longview Ln, Greenwood, CA 95635

Real Estate in Provo on 361 N. 300 W. #303 details

Home was placed For Sale on www.housesforsalelist.com from 09/04/2013.The home in the market can be considered as Residential real estate. This Unspecified listing on clearance was updated on the web site on Sep 04/2013 04:48:26. The status of the listing is For Sale therefore any of the expected customers can query on this listing. The worth of the listing is $105000.00 as updated on our database. You are free to request to additional details below in order to obtain extra specifys about the asset. Current home haves 10 photos assigned to it and for other photos you can email or call listing agent.

Property Geographic Scene

The home address specifys are: 361 N. 300 W. #303, Provo, UT 84601. Full facts about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical essentials

The home was built way back in 1985.

Amount of rooms and Living area info

This realty unit includes with two bedrooms plus one bathrooms. The total square foot area of the house is 809.00000.

Contact information of agent

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor plus they will assist you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can meet with April Cooper by the following contact info: (801) 836-1111 ALPINE REALTY INC.

House Geo Location

The estate placement details are: 307 Nimitz St, Sacramento, CA 95838. More details about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Quantity of rooms and Living area info

This property unit gets with 2 bedrooms and one bathrooms.

Contact information of broker

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by realtor and they will collaborate you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this house, you can get in touch with cheryle ackerman griffin by the following contact info: (916) 536-3955 William L Lyon & Associates.

Listing Geographic Location

The listing location specifys are: 804 Dove Ct, Lincoln, CA 95648. Full details about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical details

The property was built way back in 1990.

Amount of rooms and Living area information

This realty unit comes with 3 bedrooms plus two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the listing is 1264.00000. The listing gives Garage space: 2 Cars.

Contact info of property agent

You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent and they will help you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you know more on this realty, you can contact with marguerite nrba crespillo by the following contact info: (916) 580-0808 Realty First.

Asset Geographic Scene

The house placement details are: 3030 Azevedo Dr, Sacramento, CA 95833. More details about Unspecified Geo Scene available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical facts

The property was built way back in 1986.

Amount of rooms and Living area information

This house unit comes with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the property is 2148.00000.

Contact info of agent

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor and they will collaborate you in reviewing the home as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can meet with rosa w. johnson by the following contact info: (916) 635-0635 RJ REAL ESTATE SERVICES.

Estate Geographic Location

The listing placement particulars are: 65882 6th St, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240. More details about Unspecified Geographic Place available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical data

The house was built way back in 1969.

Amount of rooms and Living area information

This home unit comes with 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the estate is 1204.00000. The property provides Garage space: 2 Cars.

Contact info of real estate agent

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by real estate agent and they will collaborate you in inspecting the home as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you know more on this property, you can meet with yolanda ferrero by the following contact info: (760) 808-5544 Desert Esquire Realty.

Estate Geo Point

The home address details are: 12638 Evergreen Ct, Nevada City, CA 95959. Complete info about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical data

The property was built way back in 1994.

Number of rooms and Living area info

This realty unit comes with 3 bedrooms and two toilets. The square foot living area of the realty is 1962.00000. The property includes Garage space: 2 Cars.

Contact info of realtor

You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by real estate agent and they will collaborate you in reviewing the estate as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this house, you can communicate with j.d. miller by the following contact info: (530) 273-5330 CENTURY 21 Gold Dust Realty.

Home Geo Position

The home location particulars are: 1530 N Willow Ave, Fresno, CA 93727. Full information about Unspecified Geographic Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical data

The asset was built way back in 1961.

Amount of rooms and Living area information

This house unit comes with three bedrooms plus one toilets. The square foot living area of the listing is 1190.00000. The listing gives Garage space: 1 Car.

Contact details of realtor

You will surely find the all your questions are answered by agent plus they will assist you in reviewing the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you know more on this house, you can get in touch with aaron vasquez by the following contact info: (559) 284-4412 Century 21 Adanalian and Vasquez.

Property Geographic Location

The house location specifys are: 812 Yerba Buena Ave, Stockton, CA 95210. Complete facts about Unspecified Geo Location available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical data

The home was built way back in 1967.

Amount of rooms and Living area information

This home unit gets with 3 bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the property is 1733.00000.

Contact information of realtor

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by realtor and they will collaborate you in reviewing the estate as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this property, you can get in touch with kit larson by the following contact info: (209) 931-8121 KIT LARSON REAL ESTATE, INC..

Estate Geo Scene

The estate location particulars are: 684 Cabrillo St, Lemoore, CA 93245. Complete information about Unspecified Geographic Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical particulars

The asset was built way back in 1998.

Quantity of rooms and Living area information

This home unit comes with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The square foot living area of the realty is 1344.00000. The house includes Garage space: 2 Cars.

Contact info of broker

You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by agent plus they will assist you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you want to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this listing, you can contact with glenda allison by the following contact info: (559) 924-8355 LEMOORE REAL ESTATE.

Home Geo Point

The listing address particulars are: 1519 Arroyo Viejo Dr, San Jacinto, CA 92583. More info about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical particulars

The listing was built way back in 1991.

Quantity of rooms and Living area information

This house unit gets with 5 bedrooms plus three toilets. The square foot living area of the home is 2069.00000.

Contact information of realtor

You will surely find the all your queries are answered by agent plus they will collaborate you in reviewing the asset as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you know more on this listing, you can get in touch with darci smith by the following contact info: (951) 640-2346 Mission Grove Real Estate Inc.

House Geo Position

The property address particulars are: 1818 E Roosevelt St, Stockton, CA 95205. Complete details about Unspecified Geo Point available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical facts

The house was built way back in 1926.

Number of rooms and Living area information

This property unit gets with 2 bedrooms and one bathrooms. The square foot living area of the realty is 1064.00000. The property provides Garage space: 2 Cars.

Contact info of agent

You will surely discover the all your queries are answered by realtor and they will collaborate you in inspecting the listing as well as closing the deal if you desire to proceed. If you want to follow up more on this house, you can get in touch with kim tutt by the following contact info: (209) 944-9444 Werner Properties, Inc..

Listing Geo Location

The estate location particulars are: 5267 Longview Ln, Greenwood, CA 95635. More information about Unspecified Geographic Position available below on Google StreetView and Maps.

Historical essentials

The house was built way back in 1967.

Number of rooms and Living area information

This realty unit gets with three bedrooms plus 2 bathrooms. The square foot living area of the home is 1392.00000.

Contact info of realtor

You will surely discover the all your questions are answered by realtor plus they will help you in inspecting the property as well as closing the deal if you wish to proceed. If you are interested in following up more on this listing, you can communicate with linda riley by the following contact info: (530) 672-7826 CENTURY 21 SELECT REAL ESTATE, INC..

Residential property for sale

  • Interior Features
  • Bedrooms: 3
    Bathrooms: 2
  • Contact info
  • linda riley
    norcalreohomes@gmail.com, (530) 672-7826
    4064 FLYING C ROAD, #1, Cameron Park, CA 9568
  • Note
  • Details Info about this row that located on 5267 Longview Ln, Greenwood, CA 95635 was got from trusty sources, but HousesForSaleList.com can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.

    If you see any error or mismatches on this page – click here.

  • Property Details
  • Property Type: Unspecified
    Status: Coming Soon
    Living Area: 1,392 SF
    Year Built: 1967
    Buildings: 1
    Added: 09/04/2013

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