10821 Canal St, Seminole, FL 33777
10821 Canal St, Seminole, FL 33777
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Target Commercial Real Estate FL is proud to present this Pinellas Park facility For lease. With 15' to 21' ft ceilings with both truck well and grade level loading, this facility can be of use to many types of companies with Industrial zoning. There are several different electrical services on site to each of the buildings, with 3 Phase power is in most. The buildings allow for a cross breeze for your employees. A combination of Halogen and skylights provide unsurpassed visibility. Call today for a property tour.
- Map Locations
- Contact info
Michael R Schweiger727-481-8009 [Office]Target Commercial Realty
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 10821 Canal St, Seminole, FL 33777 was got from trusty sources, but HousesForSaleList.com can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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- Property Details
Property Type: Industrial Use Types: Light Industrial Status: Available MSA: Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Zoning: M-1 Buildings: 2 Construction: Metal Siding Added: 05/17/2013 Last Update: 09/15/2013