1221 Grove St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
1221 Grove St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Property features an all brick exterior, 18,292sf retail building at 1221 Grove Street. The free standing building is centrally located in downtown Chattanooga and conveniently serves a densely populated market. The nearby neighborhood residents are in high demand for retailers providing grocery and common household goods. The building sits on a 1.19 acre lot that provides adequate on-street and off-street parking behind building. Loading to end-cap spaces are provided rear access to building. Property is suitable for discount general store, restaurant, grocery or salon/barber shop to occupy. One of the spaces in this building is perfectly suited for Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, and Dollar General type stores. Building is also available for sale for $850,000.
- Exterior Features
Parking Type: Surface - Map Locations
- Contact info
Joseph M Pleva423-664-1550 [Office]KW Commercial
- Note
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- Property Details
Building Name: Grove Street Retail Center Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Year Built: 2000 MSA: Chattanooga Zoning: C-2 Buildings: 1 Tenancy: Multiple Tenants Construction: Brick Added: 04/15/2013 Last Update: 12/28/2013