6810 Conner Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421
6810 Conner Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Property offers 3.98 acres of undeveloped land for sale at $62,500/acre. Prime location in the fastest growing area of Hamilton County. Zoned R-2. Would make an excellent site for a small business park, town homes, single-family homes or rezoned for apartments. Adjacent 8.30 acre property at 2115 N Concord Road is also available for sale (see Catylist listing #28531882 for additional information) for a combined total of 12.28 acres. Surrounding area is primarily occupied by commercial and residential use. Adjacent businesses include CVS, Hamilton Inn hotel and an automotive repair business. The Volkswagen plant and Amazon.com plant facilities, both located off Bonny Oaks Drive, are just minutes away. This site benefits from its close proximity to Hamilton Place Mall, Tennessee's largest shopping destination, without experiencing the heavy traffic congestion of Gunbarrel Road. Surrounding roads bring high traffic counts to the area: Shallowford Road - 23,198 vehicles/day; I-75 near Shallowford Exit - 83,261 vehicles/day; Lee Hwy - 18,257 vehicles/day.
- Map Locations
- Contact info
Heather Lyons Bevil423-664-1550 [Office]KW Commercial
- Note
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- Property Details
Property Type: Land Use Types: Agricultural, Office, Residential (Single Family), Retail, Other Status: Available Price: $ 62,500 Lot Size: 3.980 Acres MSA: Chattanooga Zoning: R-2 Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 03/26/2013 Last Update: 12/30/2013