5344 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- This great building can accommodate a multitude of purposes. There are several offices on the main level as well as 2 bathrooms and a kitchen area. The upper level has been finished out to allow for work space or storage it also includes a bathroom and a supply lift. The upper level is heated and cooled as well. The building has security cameras as well as an alarm system. It is wired with 3 phase power and is equipped with 3 newer HVAC systems. The building is all electric however gas is available in the area. This is a highly visible location with an 5 minute drive to Interstate 75 or 24. Building price details: $209,000.
- Exterior Features
Parking: Yes Parking Spaces: 8 Parking Type: Surface - Contact info
Leann R StittCrye-Leike, REALTORS
- Note
Details Info about this row that located on 5344 Ringgold Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37412 was got from trusty sources, but HousesForSaleList.com can't guarantee that details about listing price, status, facts, images and owner are correct, because this listing can be changed or removed from market without notice. If You need to receive additional details about this property try to ask directly listing agent or owned.
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- Property Details
Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Building Size: 7,405 SF Number of Stories: 2 Year Built: 1947 Year Renovated: 2009 Submarket: Mixed Use, Flex Space, Office Building MSA: Chattanooga Zoning: C2 Buildings: 1 Broadband Internet: Cable Construction: Block Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 11/22/2017