212 Market St, Chattanooga, TN 37402
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- The 212 Market Restaurant pioneered the downtown Chattanooga renaissance when it opened in 1992 and operated successfully for a quarter century in the same location. The Moses sisters engaged one of the region's most respected architects to design the building and only recently decided to create the next opportunity for a new owner in this prime location in the tourist district/central business district on the Tennessee River. Forbes Magazine in it's November 13, 2013 issue describes the physical location as follows: " The downtown eatery paints a picture of coziness"...that makes "the place downright irresistible". The groundwork is in place in a proven location.The restaurant occupies 6,208 square feet of indoor space and an additional 404 square foot patio located on the 2nd floor. The restaurant's private party room seats 40-50 people, and larger groups can be accommodated in the main portion of the restaurant: up to 120 for a sit-down dinner, 250 for a stand-up party. Kitchen equipment intact.There are 16 parking spots, including electric car chargers, on the .44 acres upon which the building sits. The rubber roof has extra insulation and is still under warranty with kitchen equipment vented through the roof. There are solar panels, glazed tinted windows, and all-LED lighting included to save on energy costs. There are also water-saving devices installed on the premises. A great facility AND location. Building price details: $1,900,000.
- Contact info
Gerald D McCormickStone Fort PropertiesPeter R AvistoStone Fort Properties
- Note
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- Property Details
Building Name: 212 Market Restaurant Building Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Year Built: 1991 Submarket: Restaurant MSA: Chattanooga Zoning: C-3 Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash to Seller Added: 11/22/2017 Last Update: 11/30/2017