32313 US-31, Brewton, AL 36426
Commercial property for lease
- Description
- Brewton, AL! NEW PRICE! Mill Cafe! ACROSS THE STREET FROM GEORGIA-PACIFIC, WHICH IS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN THE CITY...TURN-KEY OPERATION. Close to new company, Optomi/Provalus...Great investment! The 1,088 square feet building seats 60 people, & there is plenty of space for parking. The restaurant is heated & cooled by two 3,000 ton heat pumps. Equipment that conveys with the sale includes a 36" flat grill, three 15-pound fryers, a 6-burner gas range, a stand-up freezer, a refrigerator, a sandwich prep table, a 4-well hot bar, and a 600-pound ice machine. The Sellers have 3 location & are deciding to retire after being in the restaurant business for 18 years. Don't miss out on this great business venture! Call today for more information!!
- Contact info
Patty Helton-DavisPHD Real Estate LLC
- Note
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- Property Details
Property Type: Commercial (Other) Status: Available Price: $ 175,000 Submarket: Food and Beverage MSA: Atmore Buildings: 1 Terms: Cash, Conventional Added: 12/16/2017